9 answers

profile picture of Deepak
Data Analyst
February 29, 2024
I divide the tasks I do each day into three categories before I begin. First is "urgent," then "today's only," and last, "only do" if I have time on a certain day.

profile picture of Prashant
Web Developer
February 28, 2024
It's important to respect office hours/time and personal time. Sometimes it varies but when I work too much I try to relax and chill accordingly and vice versa.

profile picture of Chakras
Web Developer
February 28, 2024
overtime -> less rest -> less fun. so, try not do overtime work

profile picture of Aishwarya
Graphic Designer
February 27, 2024

profile picture of Eddie
Executive Assistant
February 26, 2024
Get a hobby and you'll be all set!

profile picture of Sahel
Operations Assistant
February 26, 2024
Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being and can lead to increased job satisfaction, reduced stress, and improved productivity. Here are some strategies I use to maintain a healthy work-life balance in my career: Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between your work and personal life. Communicate these boundaries to your colleagues, supervisors, and clients. For example, avoid checking work emails or messages during your personal time. Prioritize self-care: Make sure to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and hobbies. These activities can help reduce stress and increase productivity during work hours. Learn to say no: It's essential to learn to say no to additional responsibilities or projects if you feel overwhelmed. It's better to do a few things well than to do many things poorly. Use technology wisely: Use technology to your advantage by utilizing tools that can help you manage your time and tasks more efficiently. However, be mindful of technology's potential to encroach on your personal time. Seek support: Don't be afraid to seek support from colleagues, supervisors, or a mental health professional if you're feeling overwhelmed. It's essential to address any work-related stress or burnout before it becomes a significant issue. Schedule downtime: Just as you schedule meetings and appointments, schedule downtime in your calendar. This can help ensure that you have time for self-care and relaxation. Stay organized: Staying organized can help reduce stress and increase productivity. Use tools such as to-do lists, calendars, and project management software to help you manage your workload. Take breaks: Taking regular breaks throughout the day can help you stay focused and productive. Try taking short breaks every hour or two to stretch, move around, or engage in a brief mindfulness exercise. Cultivate a positive mindset: Cultivating a positive mindset can help you approach work with a more balanced perspective. Try practicing gratitude, focusing on the positive aspects of your job, and reframing challenges as opportunities for growth.

profile picture of Denizhan
Art Director
February 26, 2024
In theory, I believe that they both need to enhance one another. Practically, I try to set personal rules for example on working hours. I was skipping a lot to share free time since I'm a freelancer, now I share weekend time and this gives me more efficiency at the working time and less stress.

profile picture of Tanisha
February 26, 2024
Realizing that work and life are never ever going to be equal. My life involves a hundred things; self-care, family time, health and wellness, hobbies, traveling, friends, relatives, events, special occasions, AND work. Work is only one small part of my life. Once I had this realization, it changed the way I think about and stress about work. I love what I do, but I'm not interested in making that my identity and it being the ONLY thing that I do anymore.

profile picture of Faun
Continuous Improvement Consultant
February 26, 2024
I recognize that balance is a fluid concept. What is a balanced approach this month might look different three months from now.